For investors

Investment Plans

Welcome, if you are here that means you are interested or thinking about doing an investment, we know this is not an easy decision for you to make that is why we have made continues efforts to give special attention to our partners, to get the maximum benefits out of their investments.

Our invest packages were done thinking of all the levels of investors starting from a regular investor to the most experience and knowledgeable. It is important however to always take your time before and analyses all the information provided in this website so you can make a rational decision.

Lucky for you, we have all the tool you need to make those decisions with a high level of stability and profitability at any time our tools were designed to guarantee investment and operations around the world.

Over time, we have had a record of disciplined and conservative investment approach experience, that our clients can follow for a strong long-term investment which can produce extraordinarily results.

By choosing and adequate investment package Simple pricing with competitive, reliable and fully transparent model, that benefits from opportunity and knowledge. Choosing from different investment objectives each plan includes perfect features for new and veteran investors.

An innovative way you can access the opportunities of trading without any technical skills, and the minimum of time, by selective one of our many plans we make sure your profits are coming your way in a secure and fast transaction with full control of your money.

The package you choose will meet your investment objectives. The plans include some of the most perfect features for all serious and novel investors.

At the moment most of our investment plans are not available to investors. As develops, more and more deposit plans will be available to our investors.

Plan #1 2.2 - 3.0% Daily
Min-Max: $15.00 - $30000.00
  • Duration - 15 Days
  • principal return: yes
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Plan #2 2.5 - 4.0% Daily
Min-Max: $20.00 - $30000.00
  • Duration - 20 Days
  • principal return: yes
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Plan #3 3.0 - 5.0% Daily
Min-Max: $25.00 - $30000.00
  • Duration - 25 Days
  • principal return: yes
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Plan #3 4.0 - 6.0% Daily
Min-Max: $30.00 - $30000.00
  • Duration - 30 Days
  • principal return: yes
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VIP #1 550%
Min-Max: $49000.00 - $50000.00
  • Duration - 8 Days
  • principal return: no
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VIP #2 1600%
Min-Max: $3000.00 - $50000.00
  • Duration - 16 Days
  • principal return: no
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VIP #3 3000%
Min-Max: $500.00 - $50000.00
  • Duration - 24 Days
  • principal return: no
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Calculator profit

  • Daily profit:
  • Total profit:
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